I provide the following free materials, tools, and services to bar examinees. I regard these as quid pro quos – the reports and information help you better understand your exam performance while the data helps me better understand the exam.
FREE SCORE ANALYSIS REPORT: If you failed the UBE exam, I can provide you with a free 14-16 page confidential analysis of your scoring along with advice. I have sent this free report to over 5,000 examinees
FREE MEE/MPT ANALYSIS REPORT: If you also have your written answers, I can provide you with a free 43 page MEE/MPT Analysis report which will tell you a number of useful things such as how well you issue spotted. More information regarding this report is here. I have sent this free report to over 700 examinees. As one examinee told me: “I thought I’d let you know that I passed the February 2022 New York Bar exam with a total score of 276, an improvement of 28 points from my first try in July 2021 when I scored a 248. I ended up not using your MBE/MEE/MPT subscription modules, but the MEE/MPT analysis was useful to me, so thank you for that. I found your MEE/MPT analysis useful in that it helped me focus on memorizing certain key words during my preparation, and remembering to include those during the exam. Similarly, your comparative analysis showed me that I didn’t repeat enough facts in my analysis, and my essays weren’t long enough. I think the aforementioned factors made all the difference. I didn’t necessarily know the law better the second time, I just tweaked my approach, and increased my written score by 12/13 points.”
MBE SUBSCORE ANALYSIS: If you are in a non-UBE state (e.g. California), while I can’t send you a score report, I can give you a breakdown of your MBE subscores.
UBE SCORE ESTIMATOR: The Seperac UBE Score Estimator will give you a good idea of your odds of passing based on the demographic and grade information you enter.
BAR EXAM SCORE CALCULATORS: I create accurate score calculators based on prior exams to allow examinees to test various scoring scenarios and estimate their upcoming exam performance (e.g. if you are sitting for the J22 exam, you should experiment with the J21 calculator).
FREE POST-EXAM ANALYSIS: If you recently took the UBE exam and think you may not have passed, there is a post-exam form for examinees. Filling out this form immediately after you take the exam (while the information is still fresh in your mind) can help you later. For example, using this information, I track the key details of your attempt, so if you later find that you failed the exam, I will try to match your responses/statistics to whoever previously submitted the most comparable details (and later passed) to give you their advice on what worked for them. If you are interested in a quid pro quo, I offer a $30 coupon code to any examinee who agrees to complete my post-exam followup form (takes about 20 minutes) within one week after taking the UBE exam. Comments from passing subscribers are here. To agree to this quid pro quo, simply subscribe to the subscription site (or a module) on the subscription page and use the following code: YESTOPOSTEXAMFORM
FREE MBE OUTLINES: My old black letter law MBE outlines from 2005 (I scored a 162 on the MBE largely due to these outlines) can be downloaded here. While a lot has changed with the MBE since 2005, the core information is still relevant.
FREE MEE MP3s: A free sample set of MP3s from the February 2008 MEE can be downloaded here. Additional MP3s wiill be added as time permits. Every examinee should listen to MP3s during their studies to see if they find an auditory learning style effective. However, even if you are not an auditory learner, you should take advantage of these MP3s to form different memory impressions when you study.
If you have any additional questions or comments, please email me at [email protected].