This consists of subscriptions to all the available modules at a discounted price. the Combined MBE Subscription module ($450) the OPE 860 MBE Questions module ($400) and the UBE Essays Module ($175) at a discounted price of $825
The Seperac Combined MBE Outline subscription consists of everything contained in the MBE Rules module and the MBE Outlines module, plus the Seperac Combined MBE Outline (which essentially merges the prioritized MBE rules with the proportionalized MBE Outline). Accordingly, on the Seperac Combined MBE Outline subscription site, you are able to download the Seperac Combined MBE Outline, the Seperac MBE Outline, the Seperac MBE Rules Outline (All 1,827 NCBE MBE Rules), the Seperac MBE Rules Outline (860 OPE MBE Rules only), the MP3s of the NCBE MBE Rules (all 1,827 NCBE MBE rules) and the MP3s of the OPE MBE Rules (860 OPE MBE Rules only). Please look at and listen to all the samples before you purchase. For example, to prevent copying/sharing, each page is watermarked and I do not identify which MBE rule is associated with which question (although I do state which source each rule is from). In addition, while many examinees love the MP3 voice, others hate it, so please do your due diligence prior to subscribing since I do not offer refunds due to the open nature of my work.