This is the only subscription I offer that extends across administrations of the exam. It is intended for examinees who are studying early for the exam (up to 8 months prior to the exam). This is also the only non-tutoring subscription that includes the UBE Master outline. Examinees who wish to subscribe to this UBE Master Outline Full subscription must first confirm their identity and status as an examinee before being permitted to subscribe. This subscription consists of access to every module I offer (the $725 All Modules subscription which includes the UBE Essays, OPE 660, MBE Rules and the Combined MBE Outline modules) along with the UBE Master Outline. I also provide advice on how to utilize the materials and allocate your study time. The cost of this subscription is $1,000. Please note that this subscription consists of two editions of the UBE Master outline – a broader and unprioritized early edition that is available now, and then a prioritized final edition which is released about two months before the exam. For example, if you sign up for a July exam subscription in December, the final edition will be released some time in May.

The best way to understand the UBE Master Outline is to see it. Click here to view a sample. You can also read comments about it from passing examinees (all the later comments are from subscribers to my NY and UBE Master outline). This is a 600+ page outline containing black letter law outlines for the 14 MBE/MEE subjects that is keyed to the 2020 NCBE Subject Matter outlines and broken down into 365 different categories. There are MBE/MEE priorities for each of the 365 testable categories. If the category has been tested on a released MBE or MEE exam, every associated MBE rule or MEE issue is reported after the black letter law section (based on 1,800+ MBE rules and 1,400+ MEE issues from the past 20+ years). The MEE issues section for each category also contains hyperlinks that will take you to the relevant MEE MASTER topic summaries for that category or to the MEE answer for that issue.

Basically, I dissect the exam for subscribers to save them a good deal of time in their studies. The UBE MASTER outline is an excellent representation of both the MBE and MEE. Aside from the black letter law sections that cover the material I expect to be tested on the upcoming exam, I also include the issues that were tested on every past released MBE and MEE exam (going back 20 years consisting of 1,800+ MBE issues and 1,400+ MEE issues). For example, doing well on the MBE involves knowing both the past MBE law tested and the current MBE law tested. The past law tested is represented in the released NCBE MBE questions. I added MBE rules for these released NCBE questions to my UBE MASTER outline so examinee can more efficiently review the law behind these questions (and see all the law together). For example, to answer and review these released NCBE questions would take about 200 hours (2 minutes per question to read , and 5 minutes per question to review the answer and make a rule) while listening to an MP3 of these rules available on the subscription site would take 10 hours. Furthermore, the MEE issues in the outline contain links to the published MEE essay questions, so in other words, when you click the issue link, you can instantly can see the “facts” (in the questions) related to the particular issues along with the answer explanations. This is a very helpful and efficient way to study – by reading my outline, you have a complete set of information: the MBE/MEE black letter law, relevant hypotheticals, rules statements based on the 1,800+ released NCBE questions, the 1,400+ prior-tested MEE issues with the related facts and relevant answers and finally, topic summaries of those MEE answers for easy memorization/regurgitation.

For example, if you are reviewing a topic that you are familiar with (or it is designated low priority), there is less of a need to visit the hyperlinks to see how the issues were tested on the MEE. However, when you encounter a topic you are having trouble with (or it is designated high priority), the hyperlinks allow you to instantly see all the permutations of how that topic was tested in the past. Often, seeing the application of the law in the questions is far more helpful than reviewing the black letter law on its own. Examples are how you learn to better synthesize/analyze the law. My outline consists of thousands of of examples (from past MBE/MEE questions and others). Put simply, if an outline does not have good examples, it is not a good outline.

Put simply, I don’t tell you to study everything – I tell you to study what I regard as important for the upcoming exam. For example, for the MEE, I use statistical analysis to prioritize the testable MEE categories and designate about 1/3 as HIGH priority, 1/3 as MEDIUM priority, and 1/3 as LOW priority. Thus, while most examinees will study all the testable MEE areas, UBE Course tutees focus on the HIGH priority MEE categories (which usually represent only 30% of the testable categories) and these categories have typically represented over 50% of an examinee’s overall MEE score. More importantly, subscribers generally put very little time into the LOW priority categories (which represent over 40% of the MEE categories), and in doing so, it only affects about 16% of their overall MEE score. This gives examinees the time to focus more time on the MBE by having the power to take calculated risks on the MEE and ignore almost 50% of the MEE categories (while greatly minimizing the danger of employing such a strategy).

The accuracy of my essay priorities (spanning the last 22 exams) can be examined in detail here. This is my track record/batting average – please examine it. With each exam, I put a significant amount of my time into researching past exams to tell you very accurately what to expect on it. Examinees who follow my methodologies put a disproportionate amount of their study-time into the MBE and through my materials, they take calculated risks on the MEE and MPT. This is what I find works for at-risk examinees. Otherwise, they try to be good at everything and their scores will see-saw but they will fail again. Whether this will be enough to help you pass, I don’t know, but I strongly believe it will give you your best opportunity at passing.

If you are seriously considering this subscription, you MUST download the following SEPERAC-EXAM-UBE FINAL REVIEW OUTLINE-SAMPLE to make sure you can open the files and use the hyperlinking. Make sure it test it now to know that it works for you, or else you will be missing out on a very important feature of the materials. This download is a ZIP file which contains the 3 components of the UBE MASTER outline. The Introduction section of each document explains how to use it. This will be your MBE-MEE bible, so you want to make sure you are able to fully utilize it before you sign up. You should unzip these three documents into a single folder (do not rename any of the documents) and then open SEPERAC-J19 EXAM-UBE FINAL REVIEW OUTLINE-Sample.docx. This sample contains only one of the 365 topics that I break down in the UBE MASTER OUTLINE. After reviewing, go down to the last page to the link that says “MEE Topic Summaries: Formation of Ks – Mutual assent.” This is a hyperlink. On Windows PC based computers, you should left-mouse click on the link while holding down the CTRL key on your keyboard. If you have Word X, the hyperlink should open if you just click it. For Macs, you hold down the CMD key while clicking. This should jump you to the MEE topic summary in the SEPERAC-J19 EXAM-MEE MASTER-TOPIC SUMMARIES document. Make sure this works. Then test the other hyperlinks for the MEE Issues. Click on the first issue link “2013-JUL-Q7-P1” which will jump you to the SEPERAC-J19 EXAM-MEE MASTER-RELEASED ANSWER COMPILATION document. The purpose of these hyperlinks is to make it very easy and efficient for you to jump around to the related information in other documents without having to waste time looking or hunting around for the information. For example, if you read an MEE topic in the UBE MASTER OUTLINE, but the topic still isn’t clear to you, simply click on the MEE Topic Summary to see the summaries/synopses of the legal principles tested on the MEE for that topic since 1995. Likewise, if you are perusing the MEE Issues and one of the issues isn’t clear to you, simply click on the issue link (e.g. “2013-JUL-Q7-P1”) and it will jump you to the place in the MEE Released Answer that discusses the issue. This ends up being an extremely efficient way to wrap your head around a topic without wasting an iota of your time.

The UBE Master Outline subscription includes access to the Combined MBE Outline, OPE 660 and UBE Essays modules. Each module explains the resources available, but following is a brief synopsis of how to utilize the additional materials in tandem with a UBE Master outline subscription:

OPE 660 MBE Questions Subscription: This module is very important. You should download the OPE 660 questions from this module and practice with them, analyze your mistakes, and make notes/rules of those mistakes/problem areas. In your MBE practice, you should focus on the OPE 660 until you are consistently scoring about 80% correct. If you are an auditory learner, you should download and listen to the MP3s of the OPE questions as an alternate method of learning.

UBE Essays Subscription: This module contains MEE and MPT content. The MEE Compilation outlines available on UBE Essays are somewhat redundant because the RELEASED ANSWER COMPILATION outline available here is an enhanced version. I strongly suggest you review the MEE and MPT Comparisons as many examinees find it beneficial in understanding the ingredients of a good MEE/MPT answer and it is something not available anywhere else. You should also download the MPT Format bible to review. If you are an auditory learner, you should download and listen to the MP3s of the MEE questions as an alternate method of study/review. Finally, when the Top 50 MEE is released (usually around two months before the exam), you should download and study it. Many examinees subscribe to the UBE Essays site solely for the Top 50 MEE outline, so make sure to review it once it is released.

Combined MBE Outline Subscription: This subscription contains the Combined MBE outline (which is a lite-version of the UBE Master outline) along with a separate MBE Rules outline (these are the same 1,800+ MBE rules as the ones built into the Combined MBE outline and UBE Master outline, but broken out into a separate document) and corresponding MP3s. There is really no reason for you to use the Combined MBE outline since the UBE Master outline is superior to it. For example, the Combined MBE outline is a protected PDF while the UBE Master outline is an editable word document which hyperlinks to the MEE MASTER TOPIC SUMMARIES and RELEASED ANSWER COMPILATION outlines. In addition, the Combined MBE outline doesn’t cover the MEE subjects nor does it contain the 1,400+ built-in MEE issues. Even if you are sitting just for the MBE, you will find the UBE Master outline’s built-in MEE issues (and corresponding hyperlinked documents) a very helpful feature for MBE study, making the Combined MBE outline obsolete in comparison. However, you may still wish to download the separate MBE Rules outline if you prefer a more comprehensive and unified review of these rules. For example, a subscriber who passed J19 with an MBE of 133 after failing F19 with an MBE of 113 told me: “Your MBE rules were absolute GOLD. I saw many questions that went hand in hand with your rules.” Furthermore, if you are an auditory learner, you should download and listen to the MP3s of the OPE rules.

If you are interested in this subscription, the first step is to Contact me